Thiago Felicissimo

I am a PhD student since October 2021 under the supervision of Frédéric Blanqui and Gilles Dowek at Deducteam, an Inria research team at Laboratoire Méthodes Formelles (LMF).

I am interested in logical frameworks, type theory, proof assistants and rewriting.

PhD Defense

On September 18th 2024 at 3 pm (CEST) I will defend my PhD thesis, entitled

Generic Bidirectional Typing in a Logical Framework for Dependent Type Theories

The defense will take place at the ENS Paris-Saclay (room 1Z18) and can also be attended online using this Zoom link.

The jury will be composed of Herman Geuvers (reviewer), Andrej Bauer (reviewer), Christine Paulin-Mohring, Frank Pfenning, Temur Kutsia, Marc Bezem, Frédéric Blanqui (supervisor) and Gilles Dowek (supervisor).

The current version of the manuscript can be found here.


Legend:  (Journal), (Formal Proceedings), (Informal Proceedings), (Manuscript)



