Thiago Felicissimo

I am a postdoctoral researcher since October 2024 at Gallinette, an Inria research team at Laboratoire des sciences du numérique de Nantes (LS2N), working with Nicolas Tabareau.

Previously, from October 2021 to September 2024, I was a PhD student under the supervision of Frédéric Blanqui and Gilles Dowek at Deducteam, an Inria research team at Laboratoire Méthodes Formelles (LMF). More information about my PhD can be found here.

I am interested in logical frameworks, dependent type theory, proof assistants and rewriting.


Legend:  (Journal), (Formal Proceedings), (Informal Proceedings), (Manuscript)

PhD Thesis

On September 18th 2024 I defended my PhD thesis, entitled

Generic Bidirectional Typing in a Logical Framework for Dependent Type Theories

The thesis can be found here, and a recording of the presentation is available here.

The jury was composed of:
